Tag: #peace

Above All Else

I am grateful for today
I am grateful for yesterday
I am hopeful for tomorrow
God is the first and last and in-between
I start in His name
And end with His praise
I create with His permission
And am mindful of His bounds
I rely on His support
I believe in His abundance 
I know He will take care of my needs
I have seen His hand in the events of my life
The times He has carried me through it
And those when He has let me stumble along on my own two feet 
Because I needed to learn for myself
I am thankful for the difficulty
I am thankful for the ease
I am blessed to have the family, the friends, the home He has given me
I am blessed to have the abilities and faculties with which He has elevated me
I am sorry for the ways in which I have misused what He has gifted me
I strive to do better
I strive for His pleasure
I strive for His approval
For His approval is the only thing that matters in the end
And it is Him I love above all else


In the late hours of the night – 
Or is that the early hours of the morning? – 
When the tech buzz is silenced
And the neighbourhood sleeps
And the cars take rest with the people
That is when peace descends
And I am closest to my Lord


No wonder I felt so alone
I forgot about you 
Forgot the words that call you
Strengthen your presence
By my side

I chose shadowed paths
Went places you won’t 
Depriving myself of your light
Gave time to your enemy
Listened to its whisperings
Trusted its hollow words

I hope you forgive me
Take pity on my soul
Scrape me off the ground
Envelop me with your grace
Accompany and protect me
Safe under your wings
Deflect hindrance and harm

I hope you keep me 
In your prayers
And I keep your right pen
Busier than your left
And you speak well of me 
To the All-Hearing

And I hope I don’t re-forget
But knowing I am prone
To stray and to stumble
I hope you stay close always
Ready to catch my fall

Embrace of The Beloved

Don’t turn away.
Reach out your hand
And He will take it
And guide you to a place
Where your heart can rest, secure. 

Don’t hide away.
He already knows
The darkest secrets of your soul,
Yet He is still there with you,
While others might run. 

Don’t shy away.
Surrender yourself
And enter His forgiving embrace,
Where you will find 
The purest love there is to discover.